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  PEDR Excuse me. How much is the bus? 对不起, 请问巴士车票多少钱?

  WOMAN: Fifty cents. 五毛钱.

  PEDR Will $10 bill? 十块钱的`钞票司机可以找得开吗??the driver change a

  WOMAN: I don''t think so. Oh, here''s the bus. 我想不会的, 噢, 车来了.

  WOMAN: Oh, no! 噢! 真糟糕.

  BUS DRIVER: What''s the matter, lady? 你怎么了? 女士.

  WOMAN: Look at me! 你看我!

  BUS DRIVER: You look beautiful to me. 你看起来很漂亮呀!

  WOMAN: Look at my dress! It''s ruined! 你看我的衣服! 完蛋了!

  BUS DRIVER: I''m sorry, miss. 对不起, 小姐.

  WOMAN: Is that all you can say? ''I''m sorry, miss.'' What about my dress? 你就只能说这个吗? " 对不起, 小姐. " 我的衣服怎么办?

  PEDR What are you going to do about this? 这事你该怎么办?

  BUS DRIVER: Who are you? 你是谁?

  PEDR Who do you think I am? 你以为我是谁?

  BUS DRIVER: Look, mister. I''m sorry. It''s raining. The streets are wet. 瞧, 先生, 我很抱歉. 外面下着雨, 街道都是湿的.

  PEDR Let''s sit down, dear. 我们坐吧, 女士.

  BUS DRIVER: Hey, mister! You forgot to pay! 嘿, 先生! 你忘了付车钱!

  PEDR I did not forget. Is the bus company going to pay for a new dress? 我没有忘记付钱, 汽车公司将付新衣服的钱吗?

  BUS DRIVER: Forget it! Forget it! Sit down. 算了! 算了! 你坐吧.

  WOMAN: Very clever. Do you ever pay for the bus? 真聪明, 你经常免费坐车吗?

  PEDR By the way, my name is... 对了, 我的名字是...

