In my opion, this point of view doesn't hold water.
Besides, we should not neglet that~~
Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages too
Be taken into consideration.
It has increased 3 times as compared with that of 1988.
There is an increase of 20% in total this year.
The table show a three times increase over that of last year.
The total number was lowed by 10%.
It rose from 10 to 15 percent of the total this year.
Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent.
The number is 5 times as much as that of the year 1995.
From the above table~
can be easily proved that
no one can deny that
One thing which is eaqually important to the above mentioned is~
Among the most convincing reasons given ,oneshould be mentioned
This change in largely result from the fact that
A number of factorscould account forthe development in
Perhaps the primary reason is
It is not simple to give reason to this complicated phenomenon
There are many different several reasons for change growth /decrease of ,for one thing ,for another,in addition.
A number of factors contributed to the changing of moral value----self indulgence,the lack of social consciousness and the degeneration of society.
as the public awareness of the market econymy heightens
Recently, extensive study shows,indicate,demonstrate,reveal,that·~~~
Now an increasing number of people come to realize that...
The possible solutions of the energy crisis depends on three factors
How successful your job interview will be depends on your qualification, your professional experience and cdemic intelligence
in a nutshell~