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  ( ) 1。 _______ natural things they are!

  A。 How B。 What C。 Which D。 Where

  ( ) 2。 It's hot here。 Why not _______ your coat?

  A。 put on B。 dress up C。 try on D。 take off

  ( ) 3。 He has never visited the Great Hall of the People, _______?

  A。 hasn't he B。 has he C。 does he D。 doesn't he

  ( ) 4。 In the street I met the scientist _______ gave us a talk last week。

  A。 he B。 which C。 who D。 what

  ( ) 5。 —Do you know _______? ——Next year。

  A。 when he came here B。 when did he come here

  C。 when he will come here D。 when will he come here

  ( ) 6。 You will be able to get good marks _______。

  A。 until you follow your teachers' advice

  B。 if you do some revision every day

  C。 before you begin to study hard

  D。 while you are doing your homework by yourself

  ( ) 7。 Jim's father said to him, I hope you _______ what _______ you to buy。

  A。 didn't forget; told B。 not to forget; have told

  C。 won't forget; have told D。 haven't forgotten; will tell

  ( ) 8。 I want to know _______。

  A。 what is his name B。 what's hi name C。 that his name is D。 what his name is

  ( ) 9。 Could you tell me _______?

  A。 where can I buy this kind of CD player


  ( )1。 —It's a bit cold。 Would you mind my all the windows?

  — Do as you like, please。

  A。 close B。 will close C。 closing D。 to close

  ( )2。 —The shoes are very nice。 I'll take them。

  —But you must first。 I think the size is a bit small for you。

  A。 pay for them B。 try them on C。 put them on D。 Take them off

  ( )3。 A survey show that kid in UK are the unhappiest, though it is among the richest countries in the world。 , lot of money doesn't mean a happy childhood。

  A。 That is o say B。 As a result C。 For example D。 Above all

  ( )4.一 ________ is your new watch? 一It's only twenty yuan。

  A.How B.How long C.How much D.How many




  Tom has a new car。汤姆有辆新车。

  The flower isn’t beautiful。这花不美。



  He is playing the guitar。他正在弹吉他。(肯定)

  He is not playing the guitar。他不在弹吉他。(否定)

  We can get there before dark。天黑前我们能够到达那里。(肯定)

  We can’t get thee before dark。天黑前我们不能到达那里。(否定)

  2。如果陈述句的谓语动词是实义动词,而其中又没有情态动词或助动词时,则需根据人称和时态在该实义动词前加don’t, doesn’t或didn’t。同时把该实义动词变为原形。

  He plays the violin well。他小提琴拉的很好。(肯定)

  He doesn’t play the violin well。他小提琴拉的不好,中小学英语《中考英语总复习:句子考查点分项讲解》。(否定)

  She won the game。她赢得了比赛。(肯定)

  She didn’t win the game。她没赢比赛。(否定)





  Be quiet。请安静。

  You be quiet!你给我安静点!


  Do come back at once!务必立即返回!

  Do be careful。务必小心。


  Open the window, please。请打开窗户。


  Let Jack wait a minute。让杰克等一会。

  Let’s go to school。我们上学去吧。

  (5)在祈使句中,Let’s和Let us是有区别的。Let’s包括说话者,而Let us不包括说话者在内。这点从反意疑问句时可明显看出。

  Let’s go skating, shall we?咱们去溜冰吧,好吗?(表示内部的建议)

  Let us try again, will you?让我们再试一次,好吗?(表示向别人发出请求)



