第二篇:毕业实习总结 9300字
Operations Research
Brief history
Operations research is relatively young discipline, being organized as a separate professional field of study only since the end of World War II. The Operational Research Society of the Untied Kingdom (ORS), Operations Research Society of America (ORSA), and the Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) were found in 1948, 1952 and 1953, respectively. However, the methods and practices of operations research were being applied just prior to the war by British scientists working for the Air Ministry. In fact, two of these scientists are credited with first coining the phrase “operational research”.
运筹学是一门相对比较新的学科。它是从二战以后才开始作为专业学科而被研究的。 英国运筹学会,美国运筹学会和管理学会分别成立于1948,1952 和1953。然而,早在二战之前,英国的科学家就将运筹学的理论和实践应用于空军。事实上,正是这些科学家中的两位首次提出了“运筹学”这一名词。
The earliest application of operations research involved improving the early warning system of the RAF’s Fighter Command. This system was quickly put to the test during the Battle of Britain. Throughout the remainder of the war, the methods of operations research were used by all branches of the British military to improve the results of their operations. As might be expected, the armed forces of the United States began to apply similar techniques soon after Pearl Harbor.
After WWII, the use of operations research continued in the military and was greatly expanded. In addition, businesses on both sides of the Atlantic began to apply operations research to a broad range of management problems, such as accident prevention, production planning, inventory control, and personnel planning.
The first formal university courses and curricula also began to be developed during the immediate postwar period. MIT, Case Institute of Technology (now Case Western Reserve University), and the University of Pennsylvania were among the first universities to offer formal degree programs in the United States in the early fifties. It is interesting to note that similar academic programs did not develop in the United Kingdom until latter, although lectures and courses were offered at a few universities. University programs in operations research in the United States and Canada are located in a wide variety of colleges, schools, and departments, reflecting the field’s highly interdisciplinary nature. Programs are found in departments of mathematical science, decision sciences, statistics, industrial engineering, computer science, management science, engineering management, mechanical engineering, and operations research. These departments are located in school or colleges of engineering, business, management, industrial engineering, and applied science.
Operations research as defined by the Operations Research Society of America, “is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best design and operate man-machine systems, usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.” Important to the field is the development, testing, and use of models to predict various outcomes under differing conditions or to optimize the outcome for a given condition. This gives decision makers the ability either to choose the “best” outcome or to enhance the likelihood of a given set of desired outcomes. The application of quantitative methods is also very important.
Some OR accomplishments
Some important breakthroughs of the 1970s and 1980s are highlighted below, with description of how they have employed and the resulting economic impact.
Integrative OR accomplishments
In 1983 and 1984 , Citgo petroleum corporation , the nation ’s largest independent refining and marking company ,with 1985 sales in excess of $4 billion, invested in a unique set of comprehensive and integrative systems that combine such OR disciplines as mathematical programming, forecasting, and expert systems, with statistics and organizational theory. Ctigo applied the OR systems to such operations as crude and product acquisition, refining ,supply and distribution ,strategic and operations market planning ,accounts receivable and payable, inventory control ,and setting individual performance objectives ,and now credits these OR systems with turning a 1984 operating loss that exceeded $5 million into a 1985 operating profit in excess of $7 million .
在1983和19xx年,全美最大的石油独立冶炼和销售公司--citgo石油公司,将19xx年超过4亿的销售额投资在一个独一无二的全面集成系统中,这个系统将运筹学的数学规划、预测及专家系统结合到了统计和组织理论中。Citgo将运筹学系统应用到诸如:天然物资的产品开采,冶炼,供应和配送,运作市场规划,应收应付款,存货控制和制定个人执行目标, Citgo公司由19xx年5000万的营业损失变为到19xx年高达7000万的营业利润要归功于这个运筹学系统。
Optimization—determining how to get an objective function or performance index to its maximum within the limits of available resources and technology—is a fundamental goal of decision making and, moreover, an important tool in engineering design. For more than three decades, research in optimization—a considerable fraction of which has been funded by the STOR program of NSF—has been active and fruitful, with payoffs accumulating through a multitude of application.
Linear programming is widely used throughout the world. Optimization also involves techniques for solving large-scale, discrete, nonlinear, multiobjective, and global problems. Some recent advances in the filed have such great potential that they have been cited prominently in popular publications, including the NEWYORK Times and the Wall Street Journal. Moreover, optimization is in a new stage of proliferation because its techniques are now accessible to microcomputers. Since optimization has achieved a degree of maturity, it is natural to take a hard look at what can be expected from further research.
In the more mature areas such as linear programming and unconstrained optimization, and in those of intermediate maturity such as integer and constrained convex optimization, emphasis will be placed on rapid, large-scale computation. This will be driven both by the need to solve large problems in manufacturing and logistics, and by the opportunities created in new computer technologies such as parallel processing. Research in such newer and lesser understood areas as global, multicriteria, and qualitative optimization, will necessarily deal with basic issues.
Stochastic processes
We live in a world in which we have limited knowledge and an inability to predict the future with certainty. A telecommunications network may suddenly be flooded by calls; a vital machine in a manufacturing plant may fail unexpectedly; a firefighting service may be called into action without warning. The study of stochastic processes provides us with a systematic way to model, design and control service systems characterized by such uncertainly. Operations research will continue to provide an observational framework for such studies through fundamental research into foundations of probabilistic phenomena.
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and computer/communication networks exemplify complex systems that fall into a class called discrete event stochastic systems (DESS). The efficient design and operation of these systems is extremely important to economic competitiveness, yet system behavior is not completely understood. Present methods of analysis and design of DESS focus on their behavior in the steady state, a conceptualization that requires performance measures to be made “in the long run” or “averaged over time.” Yet, most systems exhibit dynamic behavior on their way to (or sometimes even during) the steady state that may produce a deviation in performance from that computed by steady state analysis. Design and control of such systems (for example, multiechelon spare parts inventories, integrated manufacturing cells or computer/communication nets) involving explicit consideration of the cost or impact of transient behavior, is now a real possibility.