Fourth One: What kind of salary did you have in mind?
Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year. When asked this, it’s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure. This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.
Fifth One: If hired, when could you start work?
When answering this it’s best not to say you can start right away. This might make you seem very desperate for a job. A safe answer would be I can start at the beginning of next month.
如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“I can start at the beginning of next month.”(我下月初可以开始上班。)
Sixth One: What kind of work does the posi-tion involve?
You can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you’ll be doing.