i'May.i have not complete my report yet, you are to stress with your school work, share your problem with me: could it be. i find that i couldn'.
MAy;t get to sleep lately and my hair is like dropping fast. remember not to give yourself too much stress, as it will affect my final examination grades: ya, its been long time.
May? be keep in mind that, i won'm jus walking around. or maybe you can talk to me;ll try to control my emotion. just try to relax yourself;t be seeing u here.
jane. thanks: thanks May, i saw you;m been busy lately: hi may.. and i'. i will: nope. i might be able to help you. i': hi june. maybe you could try to relax yourself more, you are good friend, health is important too. i contact you soon.
May: bye.:great. bye
MAy! so have you done your report. i'.
June: ok. i'.
june;m very stress about my report;m busy with me final year report, ya? if not
1 I'm beat! 累死我啦!
Beat是俚语,就是指very tired,关于beat的俚语解释还有很多,很多人熟悉的Michael Jackson的那首歌Beat It,有些CD封面翻译成打击它,而实际上beat it在这里也是一个俚语的词组,即闪开,一边儿去的.意思。
2 I feel burnt out all the time. 我经常感觉自己快燃尽了。
Burnt out是固定搭配,蜡烛烧到最后马上就要烧干,这种状态现在很多上班族都有,没完没了的会议和没完没了的文件处理,自己的精力就慢慢被耗尽。这是典型的生活失去平衡的症状,人们需要花更多时间在工作以外的事情上,比如锻炼身体,听听音乐,还有交朋友。
3 Burning the midnight oil, huh? 正在熬夜工作吗?
4 No Fb or twitter for you today! Finish this today or you're fired!
5 I know you're under a lotta stress, but you're gonna have to deal with this now.
压力山大的英文怎么说?under a lotta stress。压力像一座山一样压到你的肩膀上,我们就躲在下面寻找喘息的机会。
6 This boulder on my shoulder gets heavy and harder to hold and this load is like the weight of the world.
7 看一段对话
----I've got a stack of documents on my desk this high.
----Just toss them in the shredder and claim you never got them.
这段话来自《老友记》,一个人说我办公桌的文件都叠很高了,Chandler风趣的说道,应该把那些文件都扔到碎纸机里,然后和别人说自己从来没收到这些文件。一摞文件的说法是a stack of documents,碎纸机的说法是shredder。