A hundred years ago today a man died. He died immortal. He departed laden with years, laden with works, laden with the most illustrious and the most fearful or responsibilities, the responsibility of the human conscience informed and rectifies. He went cursed and blessed, cursed by the past, blessed by the future; and these are two super forms of glory. On the deathbed he had, on the one hand, the acclaim of contemporaries and of posterity; on the other, that triumph of hooting and of hating which the implacable past bestows on those who have combated it. He was more than a man was; he was an age. He had exercised functions and fulfilled a mission. He had been evidently chosen for the work, which he had done by the Supreme Will, which manifests itself as visibly in the laws of destiny as in the laws of nature.版权声明:此文自动收集于网络,若有来源错误或者侵犯您的合法权益,您可通过邮箱与我们取得联系,我们将及时进行处理。