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  沪四维法代字(201x)第 号



  Authorizing Party (hereinafter referred as Party A):


  Authorized Party (hereinafter referred as Party B): Sloma & Co.

  委托方因 一案,委托上海四维乐马律师事务所作为代理人,受托方接受委托方的委托,经双方协商,达成如下委托代理合同:

  Party A hereby authorizes Party B to be the attorney-at-law in the case (the first instance) of Both parties agree to enter into the agreement therefore on the following terms.


  1. Party A does hereby grant and , attorneys-at-law of to be the legal representatives of the above-mentioned case. Party B shall protect the legally rights and interests of Party A according to “the Lawyers Law of the People’s Republic of China”.


  2. The evidences, documents and proofs concerned provided by Party A to Party B should be based on real facts. Party B may terminate the Agreement when the evidences, documents and proofs of the case stated are found not authentic. Party A agrees to pay the attorney fees and other costs and expenses (including expenses for board and lodging, business trips, communications, etc.,) taken under such circumstances.


  3. Without written consent of Party A, Party B agrees not to disclose and/or spread to any third party (excluding the hearing courts), any material and information, which provided by Party A and/or acquired by Party B during the period of agency.


  4. Because of the position of the fault or neglect of the economic loss caused by party B, Party B shall be entrusted to assume economic liability and shall compensate for such losses. Party B’s liability limitation and the limitation of prosecution was made by the judicial administrative organ and the insurance company to" lawyer

  occupation liability insurance clause" provisions of the limitation of compensation and limitation of prosecution.





  5. Based on the statement and comment made by Party A, both parties agree that, the attorney fees will be paid as follows:

  The attorney fees shall be paid according to the working time: RMB2500/hour, we will provide the detailed working record and the fees should be paid according to the record.

  The above-mentioned attorney fees do not include the costs for board and lodging, traveling, communication, etc., arising in the captioned case. Party B will reimburse such costs by bills.

  If Party A does not pay the amount accordingly, Party B would suspend the work.




  6. Any party shall not terminate the contract without any reason after signing, but if the party has some proper reasons, both can terminate the contract through consultation.

  Because of the objective situation changes, such as the death of the parties, it may terminate the contract. In this case, Party A agrees to work, the process, the case law treatment effect factors such as payment of attorney fees and other expenses, Party B has charged attorney fee beyond the refundable. Party B has yet to begin work, a partial refund of no more than80% of all attorney fees; Party B already start working, refund part does not exceed50% of all attorney fees.

  七、受托方的代理权限为: 全权委托 。

  7. The Agreement will remain in full force from the date of conclusion till the settlement of the case (the first instance).

  八、本合同的有效期自签订合同之日起至 一审 (判决、仲裁裁决、裁定、和解、调解、撤诉、 、 )完毕时止。

  8. The validity of the contract is from the date of signing till the first instance.

  九、本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可另行协商签订补充合同,由本合同起的 一切争议,可由上海市律师协会进行调解,调解不成,由上海市杨浦区人民法院处理。

  9. Parties can conclude the supplementary contract, the disputes arise from this contract can be mediate by Shanghai Lawyer Bar, if cannot conclude the mediation, then Shanghai Yangpu district Court would get the jurisdiction.


  Party A:


  Party B: Sloma & Co.



