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摘 要




The relativity is one of the foundations of system and theories of Contract Law. The reason why the third party referred to the contract cone into being is to adapt to the need of social development and the institutional amendment to the contract relativity principle .The third party referred to the contract should include the following two :debtors have the duty to make the third party performing the debt to the creditors;the third party has the right to demand compensation.The former is named by Pays by the third person ,the latter is named by Pays to the third person.The legitimatize law on the third party referred to the contract can only be seen in the special law . Although the articles 64 and 65 of contemporary Chinese contract law are similar with the German law regulation ——Geheissperson ,they do not entrust any legal status of the third Party ,they are not the contract referring to the third party.So in terms of the current legislation and the needs of practice ,it will adjust to the requirements of the improvement of legislation of the third party referred to the contract from both the Civil Code and the Contract Law which adding to the special atrticles of Pays to the third person .The third party getting his or her right to demand debtors performing the duty ,and the creditors have the rights to ask the debtors performing their duty to the third party is the contract which regulated that the third party can be paid .

Keywords: the contract relativity principle;the third party referred to the contract; Pays to the third person;The analysis of jurisprudence



